Summary of Accomplishments to Date
PCFWWRA has performed over 100 salmon habitat restoration projects in Humboldt and Del Norte Counties of California, restoring a total of over 830,000 feet and 550 acres. Overall, we have:
Removed 26 barriers to salmon migration and re-established fish access to 18.5 miles of spawning and rearing habitat
Restored 32 acres of estuary and 16 off-channel ponds and stream channels
Placed over 1,500 habitat enhancing logs in streams to create 250 habitat structures
Planted over 99,200 trees and restored over 100 acres of streamside forest
Prevented 630,000 cubic yards of excess anthropogenic sediment from smothering streams by decommissioning abandoned and failing roads
Assessed and prescribed treatment to prevent 2.8 million tons of future sediment delivery to streams
Collaborated with over 65 landowners, agencies, funders, consultants, and contractors to perform the above
The projects we perform would not be possible without the hard work and support of numerous partners, funders, and subcontractors. We have worked with:
Engineering, Environmental, Geological, and Fisheries Consultants
Pacific Watershed Associates
Michael Love and Associates
Ross Taylor and Associates
Aldaron Laird, Trinity Associates Environmental Planning
Fiori Geosciences
Gedik Biological Associates
LACO Associates
State, Federal and Local Government Agencies
California Coastal Conservancy
California Conservation Corps
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
California Department of Parks and Recreation
California Department of Transportation
California Regional Water Quality Control Board
California State Water Resources Control Board
Del Norte, Humboldt, and Trinity Counties
Fisheries Restoration Grant Program
Humboldt Bay Harbor, Recreation and Conservation District
Humboldt County Resource Conservation District
Humboldt State University Foundation
Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge
National Marine Fisheries Service
National Park Service
National Resources Conservation Service
North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board
Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
U.S. Bureau of Land Management
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
U.S. Natural Resource Conservation Service
Wildlife Conservation Board
Yurok Tribal Government
Road Decommissioning, Heavy Equipment and Labor Contractors
Stephens Construction
Wallace Structures
Big R Manufacturing LLC
Brown Construction
Environmental Restoration Services
Kernen Construction
McCanless Excavating and Earth Care
Mullins Restoration
Nehalem Marine
Rocky Brown Construction
Tom McKnight Construction
Forestry Companies
Barnum Timber Company
Green Diamond Resource Company
Civic and Public Interest Groups
California Waterfowl Association
California Trout
Eel River Watershed Improvement Group
Humboldt Area Saltwater Anglers
Humboldt Fish Action Council
Humboldt Fishermen’s Marketing Association
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
Orick Chamber of Commerce
Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen's Associations
Redwood Community Action Agency
Redwood Creek Watershed Group
Resources Legacy Fund Foundation, Preserving Wild California Program
Salmonid Restoration Federation
Save the Redwoods League
Smith River Alliance
Smith River Advisory Council
Trinidad Bay Fishermen’s Marketing Association
Trout Unlimited
PCFWWRA has also worked with numerous small private landowners.
List of Projects
Cooperative Agreement - Headwaters Forest Reserve Watershed Restoration Project
Redwood Creek Watershed Restoration
Strawberry Creek Fish Passage Restoration
Cooperative Agreement - Headwaters Forest Reserve Watershed Restoration Project
Redwood Creek Watershed Restoration
2002 - 2003 SB 271 Little River Watershed Improvement Project II
2001 - 2002 Redwood Creek SB 271 Road Decommissioning Project
2002 Salmon Creek SB 271 Watershed Improvement Project II
Rowdy Creek Watershed Improvement Project
South Fork Winchuck River Watershed Inventory Project
Final Lower Salmon Creek Delta Salmonid Habitat Enhancement Opportunities
2002 - 2004 South Fork Elk River Road Assessment and Restoration Plan, Headwaters Forest Reserve
Wilson Creek Watershed Inventory and Restoration Planning Project
2002-2003 Redwood Creek SB 271 Road Decommissioning Project 1300 Roads
2003 - 2004 Salmon Creek Watershed Improvement Project III
2003 - 2004 Redwood Creek Watershed Improvement Project Dolly Vardent and K& K East Roads
Maple Creek/Big Lagoon Watershed Inventory and Restoration Planning Project
Salmon Creek Fish Access and Habitat Improvement Project
Lindsay Creek Coho Over-winter Rearing Restoration Project
Cedar Creek Fish Passage Restoration Project [Implementation]
2004 - 2006 Redwood Creek Road Decommissioning and Erosion Prevention Project Coyote Creek Roads
2005 - 2006 Redwood Creek Road Decommissiong and Erosion Prevention Project 1300 Roads North
North Fork Mad River Watershed Inventory and Restoration Planning Project
2004 - 2006 Dominie Creek Road Decommissioning and Erosion Prevention Project D-1000 and D-1116 Roads
Watershed Assessment and Erosion Prevention Planning Project for the Lower Smith River Watershed Tributaries
Strawberry Creek invasive canary grass removal
Maple Creek Road Decommissioning and Erosion Prevention Project
2006 - 2007 Salmon Creek Road Decommissioning and Erosion Prevention Project
2007 Wilson Creek Road Decommissioning and Erosion Prevention Project, H200, H200A, and H280A Roads, Del Norte ounty
Wilson Creek Road Decommissioning and Sediment Reduction Project 2
California State Parks North Coast Redwoods District – Stream Crossing Inventory and Fish Passage Evaluation
Minor Creek Watershed Inventory and Restoration Planning Project
Salmon Creek/Headwaters Road Decommissioning and Erosion Prevention Project
Rocky Gulch Decommissioning Project
2009 Lindsay Creek Sediment Source Road Assessment and Erosion Prevention Planning Project
Lower Salmon Creek Delta Salmonid Habitat Enhancement Project, Phase 2
Headwaters Forest/ South Fork Elk R. Road Decommissioning Project
Wilson Creek Road Decommissioning and Fish Habitat Restoration Project III
Strawberry Creek Restoration - RNSP Reach Design
Lower Redwood Creek Erosion Assessment and Restoration Planning
Lower Mad River Road Decommissioning and Fish Habitat Restoration Project
2009 GDRCo Salmon Creek Road Decommissioning Project
2009 BLM Salmon Creek Road Decommissioning Project
Little River CR3555 Road Decommissioning and Erosion Prevention Project
Redwood Creek 1431 and 1433 Roads Decommissioning and Erosion Prevention Project
Salmon Creek Delta, Phase 2 Implementation
Ryan Creek Watershed Assessment and Erosion Prevention
Mill Creek Tributaries Fish Passage Design
2011 Little S.F. Elk River Road Decommissioning Project
Lower Jacoby Creek Off-Channel Rearing Habitat Restoration Design
Mad River 4850 and 4851 Road Decommissioning and Erosion Prevention Project
Little South Fork Elk River Sediment Reduction and Habitat Improvement Project
Yontocket Slough Fish Passage Design Project
Redwood Creek DVA Roads Decommissioning and Erosion Prevention Project
Strawberry Creek Restoration - RNSP Reach
Salmon Creek Delta Restoration Phases II-III
Salmon Creek Delta Restoration Phase I
Strawberry Creek Coho Passage Improvement Project
Ryan Creek Habitat Sediment Reduction Project
Mainstem South Fork Elk River Sediment Reduction and Habitat Improvement Project
Wilson Creek Instream Coho Enhancement Planning Project
Mill Creek Tributaries Fish Passage Project
Wilson Creek Sediment Reduction and Coho Habitat Improvement Project
Little River Coho Habitat Improvement Project
Ryan Creek Sediment Reduction and Coho Habitat Improvement Project
Headwaters Forest S.F. Elk River Sediment Reduction Project
Noisy Creek Coho Habitat Improvement Project
Sullivan Gulch Road Decommissioning and Erosion Prevention Project
Lower Jacoby Creek Off-Channel Rearing Habitat Restoration Project
Yontocket Slough Fish Passage Project
Hall Creek Coho Habitat Improvement Project
Panther Creek Barrier Removal Design Project
Strawberry Creek Wetland Coho Habitat Restoration Project
East Fork Ryan Creek Sediment Reduction and Habitat Enhancement Project
Canon Creek Watershed Assessment and Erosion Prevention Planning Project
Morrison Gulch Coho Habitat Improvement Project
Ryan Creek Off Channel Coho Habitat Improvement Design Project
Little River Coho Habitat Enhancement Project
Lindsay Creek Coho Habitat Improvement Project
Lower Little River Creek Off Channel Coho Habitat Improvement Design Project
Morrison Gulch Sediment Reduction Project
Non-natal Habitat Enhancement Planning for ESA-listed Salmonids in the Humboldt Bay Watershed
Squaw Creek Coho Habitat Improvement Design Project
Lindsay Creek Coho Barrier Removal Design Project
Cedar Creek Fish Passage Restoration Project
Ryan Creek Watershed Assessment and Erosion Prevention
Redwood Creek Watershed Coordinator
RCWP Salmon Creek Restoration Project
Redwood Creek Sediment Reduction Project
Salmon Creek (CA) Restoration Planning Project
Coho Salmon Model Restoration Project
Salmon Creek Delta, Phase II Implementation
Strawberry Creek Restoration - RNSP Reach 100% Design and Implementation
Mad River Estuary Planning
Road Assessments within Redwood National and State Parks
2006 Redwood Creek Road Decommissioning and Erosion Prevention project, 0-3 Road
319h SF Elk Sediment Reduction Project
319h#4 - Redwood Creek Sediment Reduction Project
Redwood Creek Erosion Control Project
Salmon Creek Fish Habitat Restoration Project, Task 3
Strawberry Creek Riparian Restoration
Lower Strawberry Creek Restoration Planning Report
Construction Cost Estimate for Salmon Creek Phase 2 Habitat Enhancement
1995 NEAP Watershed Inventories, Pelletreau Creek, South Fork Trinity River
1995 NEAP Watershed Inventories, Freshwater Creek - McCready Gulch, Humboldt County
1995 NEAP Watershed Inventories, Mill Creek, Del Norte County
1996 NEAP Watershed Inventories, Mill Creek, Del Norte County
1996 NEAP Freshwater Creek Watershed Inventories, Upper Freshwater, Cloney Gulch, Graham Gulch, Humboldt County
1997 NEAP Watershed Inventories, Booth's Run and Cummings Creek Assessment Areas
1997 NEAP Watershed Inventories, Rock Creek and Upper Turwar Assessment Areas
Redwood Creek Cover Structure Project
Coho Salmon Overwinter Habitat Project, Prairie Creek
1998 Freshwater Creek Road Decommissiong Project for Mcready Gulch, Little Freshwater Creek, Upper Freshwater Creek
1998 SB 271 Watershed Assessment for Salmon Creek, Humboldt Bay, CA
1999 - 2000 Salmon Creek Road Decommissioning Project
2000 SB 271 Watershed Assessment and Erosion Prevention Planning Project for the Little River Watershed, Humboldt ounty
Redwood Creek Salmon Spawner Survey 2000/01 Season
2000 - 2001 Erosion Prevention and Road Decommissioning Project
Freshwater/Salmon Creek Upland Erosion Reduction Project
Cummings Creek Watershed Assessment and Restoration Planning Project
Salmon Creek Watershed Assessment and Restoration Planning Project
Rowdy Creek Watershed Assessment and Restoration Planning Project
Little River Watershed Inventory and Restoration Planning Project
Redwood Creek Watershed Inventory and Restoration Planning
Salmon Creek Watershed Improvement Project
Redwood Creek Watershed Inventory and Restoration Planning Project, Project Area #2
Redwood Creek Watershed Inventory and Restoration Planning Project, Project Area #3